Philip Lost Workday Injuries 飞利浦每100名全职员工受伤误工人数
2014-05-16 Europe
Promote a safe and healthy workplace 斯普林特Nextel公司(SPRINT NEXTEL) 2012CRPerformanceSummary
2014-05-01 USA
Severity rate of workplace accidents (with work days lost )法国维旺迪集团(VIVENDI) Annual Report 2013
2014-04-28 Europe
Enhancing workplace safety and health, and employee health management 普利司通(BRIDGESTONE) 2013csr
2014-04-28 Japan
Rate of lost-work time injuries日本钢铁工程控股公司(JFE HOLDINGS) csr2013e
2014-04-27 Japan
Work-related accident ratio 电装公司(DENSO)CSR_Report_2013
2014-04-16 Japan
workplace accidents 法国布伊格集团 BYCN_Corporate_report_2012
2014-04-15 Europe
Absence rate according to reason (on theoretical working days) 意大利联合圣保罗银行(INTESA SANPAOLO)
2014-04-13 Europe
Occupational accidents, work-related road accidents, and occupational accident rate DEUTSCHE_BAHN_su
2014-04-04 Europe
Number of cl aims of work related injuriesMS&AD保险集团控股有限公司 MS&AD Insurance Group CSR Report 2013
2014-04-03 Japan
Working days lost Deutsche Bank AG and Private and Business Clients  Corporate Responsibility Report
2014-03-04 Europe
Work-related-injuries   麦德龙(METRO) SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2012
2014-02-27 Europe
Accidents at work and occupational illnesses 2012 Corporate social responsibility report - BNP Parib
2014-02-24 Europe
Safety at work, accidents data 苏伊士集团 GDF SUEZ
2014-02-24 Europe
Workplace Safety Ford Sustainability 2012/13
2014-02-24 USA
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