Protecta PRO-Stretch with Standard Snaps on Ends 保泰特 Pro双钩缓冲系带

价格 900.00对比
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1340161 Protecta PRO-Stretch with Standard Snaps on Ends
Double-leg with snap hook and flat steel rebar hooks at leg ends x 6 ft. (1.8m)

Protecta PRO 100% Tie Off Shock Absorbing Lanyard
The Protecta PRO double-leg lanyard is stretch- or bungee-style which extends to 6 ft. (1.8m) for ease of movement, but contracts to 4.5 ft. (1.4m) when not in use to stay away from your work and your climbing.
The 2-1/4 in. gate openings on the steel rebar hooks are rated to 3,600 lbs. and meet or exceed the ANSI Z359 Standard. The hooks are large enough to easily snap over many common anchor points while climbing. In the event of a fall, the 1340161 lanyard, manufactured by Capital Safety, will limit fall arrest forces to less than 900 lbs. 


长度(m) : 1.8, 符合标准 :




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