ERGOMAT Your #1 Source for Lean and Safety Solutions!

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更新 2013-02-21 09:52


What is Lean Manufacturing and why DuraStripe is such a great Lean Manufacturing Tool ?

DuraStripe & Lean Manufacturing

One way of defining Lean Manufacturing is to produce value (a product or a service) with less of everything (inventory, human effort, equipment and tools, plant floor, design and development, total coast, etc.) to maximize the profit, while delivering a product of highest quality, in the right quantity and on time.

The focus, then, is on seeing and eliminating the waste from all the aspects of the job. To eliminate waste is based on the Japanese concept ''Muda'' (which means waste !). In other words for a company, Lean Manufacturing is a commitment to minimize the total coast (a waste-free operation) while offering a product or service that is focused on your clients success and preferences.

To achieve the lowest cost you will have to simplify and improve continually all the processes and relationships in an environment of trust, respect and full employee involvement. This is where DuraStripe plays an important role : by defining work spaces, you will eliminate time wasted looking for items or time wasted between shifts (items always placed in the same place, regardless of the person or the shift).

Once a process works well, for instance on the assembly line, it can be defined with DuraStripe Signs so that anyone working the line will immediately understand the process of this specific line (less time wasted explaining the process, less chances of lesser quality products by human error, etc.).

The key to success lies in the ability to be able to continuously improve and be able to implement changes fast and easy. DuraStripe is easily removed and you can reconfigure the process rapidly, within seconds, all done when production is ongoing, eliminating the need for a shutdown or specialist labour, as DuraStripe is the ideal KIS product and everyone can apply DuraStripe.

DuraStripe can also prevent accidents ; clear indications throughout facility eliminates risks such as human / forklift encounters or indicate emergency exits (phosphorescent signage) in case of power failure due to natural disaster. It is critical that the emergency route are kept clear and are easy to find even without electricity (ex. a yellow DuraStripe which is phosphorescent at the same time).

 Ergomat is one of 18 companies forming the SP Group A/S. The SP-group is based in Denmark and consists of several divisions; plastic injection moulding, Teflon coating, medical devices and polyurethane, and has production in 7 countries. Ergomat is part of the Polyurethane group.

Since day one and still today, the mission of Ergomat has been to develop, manufacture and market superior products, which offer exceptional benefits to the employees as well as a long-term solution for the companies.

Most of our products are developed in cooperation with major industrial players; they define their existing problems, and together we find the best possible solution. For example, our Nitril matting has been developed together with Intel, the Complete mat with BMW, DuraStripe with Chrysler, and ErgoPerfect chair program with LG and Samsung.

Today Ergomat offers superior products and solutions which not only can prevent, but also eliminate many of the safety and ergonomic problems faced in todays market and hereby lower worker’s compensation, sick leave and personal injuries while increasing moral, well being and productivity.

Ergomat是组成SP A/S集团的18个公司的其中一个公司。SP集团总部在丹麦,由几个部门组成;注塑,聚四氟乙烯涂层,医疗设备,聚氨酯,并且在7个国家有生产。Ergomat是聚氨酯集团的一部分。


我们大部分的产品发展于与主要工业企业的合作;他们确定其所在的问题,然后我们一起找到最佳的解决方法。比如,我们的Nitril垫子是和 Intel共同开发的,Complete垫子是与BMW共同开发的,Dura胶带是与克莱斯勒,ErgoPerfct座椅项目是与LG和三星共同开发的。



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