007特技演员丧生中国 于90米高空掉落 dies in 90m fall

   2016-11-22 6970
腾讯体育11月21日 据外媒报道,54岁的史蒂夫-特鲁加里亚(Steve Truglia)于本月17日在中国录制节目时不小心从90米高空掉落,当场丧生。史蒂夫是詹姆斯-邦德的特技演员,曾在包括《明日帝国》在内的大片中参与演出。

Steve Truglia, 54, fell 300ft in China during a helicopter stunt
Steve Truglia, 54, fell 300ft in China

Pals said Steve, who has been in a string of blockbusters including Tomorrow Never Dies, and another daredevil were meant to be abseiling from the chopper at the same time.

But he had expressed fears it would be too small to take their weight hours before he died. Ropes were also left out overnight in heavy rain making them potentially unsafe for the event, held up by bad weather in Chongqing, south west China.

Steve, who served in the SAS and SBS for 20 years, posted “Let’s do this” on his Facebook page as he boarded the chopper for the fateful stunt on Thursday.

Steve had previously worked on a string of blockbusters
Steve had previously worked on a string of blockbusters
He also served in the SAS and SBS for 20 years
He also served in the SAS and SBS for 20 years
He had expressed fears the chopper would be too small to take their weight hours before he died
He had expressed fears the chopper would be too small to take his and another stuntman’s weight hours before he died
An ex-colleague suspects the 'company he was working for are trying to keep things under wraps'

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